Enigmometers (P.I.HUNT 3)

Author(s)Jack Lance
AnswerClick to revealCHILLINESS

Enigmometers is one of the fifteen investigation puzzles from P.I.HUNT 3. It contains a series of Nikoli logic puzzles with thermometers.

Solve Path[edit | edit source]


The logic puzzles use the rules of the respective puzzles but make use of thermometers from Termo Sudoku, where the numbers increase from the circular bulb outward. Extraction instructions are given, and the sums are converted to A1Z26 to spell out the answer.

Below are strategies that can be used for solving each thermo puzzle.


As numbers in each thermometer are different, they must be on different islands, which gives locations of black squares. Bounding arguments can be used to mark squares that must be on an island, even if the exact size is unknown.


Bounding arguments can be useful, especially on squares that are surrounded by mostly numbers. This can also indicate spaces that can not be mines.


Bounding arguments are useful for identifying the minimum or maximum number of spaces that must be in the cave.


Bounding arguments are useful for identifying the minimum or maximum number of spaces that must be in the cave.


Bounding arguments are useful for identifying squares that must be in the same fillonimo group.

Puzzle Elements[edit | edit source]

Nurikabe - One of the five base puzzles that gets a thermo twist.

Minesweeper - One of the five base puzzles that gets a thermo twist.

Cave - One of the five base puzzles that gets a thermo twist.

Fillonimo - One of the five base puzzles that gets a thermo twist.