Cryptocryptarithm (P.I.HUNT 3)

Author(s)Jack Lance
AnswerClick to revealA TRILLION

Cryptocryptarithm is one of the fifteen investigation puzzles from P.I.HUNT 3. It contains a series of math expressions with ten variables.

For answer checking purposes, the final enumeration is this lengthlength nine.

Solve Path[edit | edit source]


The cryptocryptarithm is a cryptarithm with elements from cryptogram. Like a standard cryptarithm, each letter stands for a different digit, though concatenation is not used to denote multi-digit numbers. However, expressions are used rather than equations, though identifying the value of the expressions needs to be found, some before the variables.


The letters taken in order are obtained via a monoalphabetic cipher, so decoders can be used to find the plaintext. Many of these words can be associated with a positive whole number.


Since the plaintext words per expression are associated with a positive whole number, the cryptarithm becomes a system of equations. This also means that expressions in radicals should be perfect powers in the second expression. Tools like Python can be used to brute force possibilities. Finally, as the last plaintext is ANSWER, evaluating the expression results in a number that is the answer written out.

Puzzle Elements[edit | edit source]


Cryptogram - One aspect used in the cryptocryptarithm.

Cryptarithm - Another aspect used in the cryptocryptarithm.