Covers (P.I.HUNT 3)

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Author(s)Jack Lance
AnswerClick to revealANGLE

Covers is one of the fifteen investigation puzzles from P.I.HUNT 3. It contains what is supposedly magazine covers.

Solve Path[edit | edit source]


Each magazine cover has a partially obscured title, a description, and a number. None of the covers are real covers from the respective magazines, as hinted by the flavor text.


Rather than the original magazine titles, the covered text should be replaced by a string of letters that describe what is on the title. For example, the MAD magazine with the D covers has a picture of a MAST.

The numbers on each magazine provide an ordering to get the final cluephraseJOURNALIST PERSPECTIVE.

Puzzle Elements[edit | edit source]


Image-Heavy Presentation - The premise of the puzzle involves magazine covers with partially obscured titles.

Fill-In-The-Blanks - The obscured magazine titles essentially create a fill-in-the-blanks setup.